Samstag, April 21, 2012

Patty Schnyder

Patty Schnyder/SUI
Big trouble for Patty Schnyder! The Swiss tennis player is in in serious financial crisis and was required to perform a sum of money equal to 380,000 Swiss francs. The creditors are banks, credit card companies, debt collection company, a trust company and tax authorities. The problem is that the Swiss has announced she cannot pay those debts and the whole thing is very strange considering that the player was number 7 in the world and his career has gained more than 10 million dollars. The well-informed, however, have already shown that the Swiss and her husband are still in possession of a cottage in Isenbüttel near Wolfsburg, and a penthouse in a fashionable area of Berlin.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Oh well that sucks. Hate to be in her shoes lol.

  2. Tastatur hab ich nach deinen kommentar auch wieder gereinigt :)

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