Sonntag, August 18, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence - Vogue September 2013

Jennifer Lawrence looks beautiful on the cover of Vogue‘s coveted September 2013 issue, on newsstands August 20.
Here is what the 22-year-old Hunger Games: Catching Fire actress had to share with the mag:
On choosing to do the Hunger Gamesfilms: “When Winter’s Bone was getting nominated. I had only done indies, and suddenly I was introduced to this brand-new world where I didn’t feel like myself. I was in these weird gowns and listening to people talk about things I didn’t understand. And I remember reading that in the book and being like, Oh, my God, I know exactly what this feels like. I don’t know what it’s like to get ready for your death, but I do know what it’s like to be almost a puppet. And then when I was making the second film, I had become more acquainted with that world, and I think that’s something that Katniss experiences. She is different when she comes back. She does feel more comfortable in the Capitol; she understands the people more, and it’s not as eerie and scary and unfamiliar. She kind of knows how to work the system.”
On the paparazzi: “If I were just your average 23-year-old girl and I called the police to say that there were strange men sleeping on my lawn and following me to Starbucks, they would leap into action. But because I am a famous person, well, sorry, ma’am, there’s nothing we can do. It makes no sense… I am just not OK with it. It’s as simple as that. I am just a normal girl and a human being, and I haven’t been in this long enough to feel like this is my new normal. I’m not going to find peace with it.”
On deciding to be an actress: “I know it sounds so stupid, but it was kind of like I finally found something people were telling me I was good at, which I had never heard, ever. And that was a big reason why my parents let me do this. One time, my mom was on the phone with my dad, saying, ‘We’re paying for therapy and all this medication, and we don’t need it when she’s here. She’s happy.’ ”

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wie schön, wenn man seine Berufung so gefunden hat wie Jennifer und sie sieht wirklich wunderschön aus auf den Bildern <3

    Hoffentlich hattest Du ein tolles Wochenende, liebe Orianne! Ich wünsche Dir einen erfolgreichen und gelungenen letzten Arbeitstag :)

    Alles Liebe von Rena


Thank you for your comment - I wish you a wonderful day:-)
