Samstag, April 06, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence - Fabulous Magazine

Jennifer Lawrence looks stunning on the cover of Fabulous magazine‘s latest issue, on newsstands now.
Here is what the 22-year-old Oscar-winning actress had to share with the mag:
On what scares her: “Spiders and ghosts. I actually get comforted when I feel like there might be a burglar in my house, like: ‘There’s a real person that might be breaking into my house, it’s not a ghost, that’s a relief.’”
On fame not changing her personality: “There is kind of a sadness that happens when you look into someone’s eyes and you realize that they’re looking at you a certain way, like you are not really you. I don’t ever walk around feeling famous. I walk around feeling the exact same way I have walked around my entire life, but it’s not until I talk to somebody and see in their eyes that I’m different. It makes me feel weird.”
On not going overboard with her spending: “I just constantly feel so lucky, that I don’t really have time to feel cocky. I was raised to have value for money, to have respect for money, even though you have a lot of it. That’s why mini-bars are difficult, because it’s like yes, I can afford a $6 Snickers bar, but there’s just something wrong with that! I still drive my same car I’ve been driving for a long time and I haven’t bought a house yet.”
For more from Jennifer, check out the full interview at!

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