Freitag, September 20, 2013

Diane Kruger - Conan O'Brien Show

Diane Kruger feels Conan O’Brien‘s famous red head of hair while making an appearance on his talk show Conan on Tuesday (September 17).
The 37-year-old actress chatted about her show The Bridge, the show Honey Boo Boo, and her awkward first date with longtime love Joshua Jackson.
“We’re sitting in the bar and I’m ready to leave…and I felt really bad because he looked very eager. He took me to this romantic place. It was overgrown with beautiful flowers, to which I had an allergic reaction to! I was sneezing and coughing, I couldn’t say anything… he talked about himself for an hour and a half non stop,” Diane said.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Das war ja alles andere als ein perfektes erstes Date ;) Aber mal wieder ein Beweis dafür, dass nicht alles was erst mal schlecht anfängt auch schlecht enden muss! Diane schaut echt super gut aus und wahnsinnig elegant <3

    Alles Liebe von Deiner Rena


Thank you for your comment - I wish you a wonderful day:-)
