Freitag, Juni 01, 2012

Diane Kruger - French Open with Joshua Jackson

Diane Kruger: French Open with Joshua Jackson!
Diane Kruger and boyfriend Joshua Jackson attend the 2012 French Openat Roland Garros on Thursday (May 31) in Paris, France.
The 35-year-old actress wore a Marios Schwab lavender halter dress with pink Converse sneakers.
Joshua, 33, recently won a $45,000 necklace for Diane at a charity auction – prompting some to speculate it might’ve been an engagement gift. But he says the two are in no rush to get married.
“Neither of us is religious, and the picket fence isn’t what we’re aiming at. We’re together for six years now, so for all intents and purposes, we are [married]. I have no need for a priest to tell me that!” Josh told Life & Style.

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