Freitag, März 15, 2013

Taylor Swift - Instyle UK April 2013

Taylor Swift graces the cover of InStyle UKmagazine’s April 2013 issue!
Here’s what the 23-year-old entertainer had to share with the mag:
On her biggest fear: “What I worry about is that I never want to end up kind of a self-centred, vain human being. My fears circle around me making the wrong choices and messing this up for myself. I don’t wanna end up being awful and intolerable. Alone. Laying in a marble bathtub by myself, like sad, with a glass of wine just complaining that my life ended up alone because I pushed everyone away because I thought I was too good to hang out with anybody. The typical Hollywood sad cliché of the poor lonely starlet with no one because she put up all these walls and didn’t trust anyone. That’s my fear. And that’s why I live my life the way I live my life because I’d so much rather feel everything than end up like that.”

On having a master plan in life:
 “I’ve thought that I did have a dream scenario before but it turns out that I change my mind and that essentially in your 20s all the puzzle pieces of your life are thrown up in the air and they just fall into whatever place and I think that’s healthy.”
On choosing girl friends over guy friends: “I’m a girls’ girl. I have guy friends but the problem with having guy friends is, like, I always get linked to them and they’ll end up in a slideshow of people I’ve apparently dated on the internet.”
For more from Taylor, visit

1 Kommentar:

  1. Oh, jetzt bin ich aber beruhigt, dass Deine Kommentarfunktion wieder funktioniert, denn gestern hat es bei mir hier nicht geklappt!

    Mir gefällt es, wie Taylor Swift ihren Pony trägt, aber ich befürchte meinen Haaren fehlt es definitiv an Fülle für so eine wunderhübsche Frisur ...

    Alles Liebe und ein traumhaftes Wochenende wünscht Dir von Herzen, Rena


Thank you for your comment - I wish you a wonderful day:-)
