Donnerstag, Juli 11, 2013

Diane Kruger - Marie Claire UK August 2013

Diane Kruger looks gorgeous on the cover of Marie Claire UK‘s August 2013 issue, on newsstands now.
Here is what the 36-year-old The Bridge actor had to share with the mag:
On longtime love Joshua Jackson : “All relationships are hard. It doesn’t matter what job you have, or how famous or miserable or poor you are. It’s about commitment. The hard part is the timing. When you meet someone, are you ready to make them your number-one priority? I’m grateful that I met a person who feels the same not just about me, but about our relationship.”
On her transition to fame: “For a long time I felt that I was so accomplished, ‘Oh I speak three languages, I travel the world, I’ve seen so many things.’ But when I turned 30 I realized I was an idiot. I didn’t know shit about anything.”
On if Hollywood is a fickle business: “You can be as cynical as you want about filmmaking or fashion, but at the end of the day fashion makes people dream, it makes women look beautiful, and it can be a wonderful creative outlet.”

2 Kommentare:

  1. nice post sweets..
    Keep in touch,

  2. Wow, sie sieht hervorragend aus auf diesen Foto, ich verstehe es so gut, dass sie für Dich ein Styling-Vorbild ist!

    Alles Liebe von Rena


Thank you for your comment - I wish you a wonderful day:-)
