Day Wedding Outfit
Hi Guys,
Day weddings have quickly become a huge trend in the last few years.
Although mine was a night wedding, I surely contemplated getting married ...
You Have Never Asked Yourself these Questions
Glasses: Le Specs / Sweater: Uniqlo /
Bag: Staud / Trousers: Uniqlo / Boots: Grenson
*Findet Ihr auch, dass sich die aktuell gestellten Fragen gleichen? ...
Nykaa Eyes On Me! 10 in 1 Eyeshadow Palette
Nykaa Eyes On Me! 10 in 1 Eyeshadow Palette
When you have everything coordinated from your outfit to your jewellery,
why should your makeup be left behind...
vor 5 Jahren
Donnerstag, Mai 15, 2014
February 1939 - Mother with her children at migrant camp - Weslaco TX (Colored by me)
February 1939. "Mother with children at migrant camp. Weslaco, Texas." Background for this series of photos as recorded by Russell Lee in his notes: "Local employment men say that there was no need for migrant labor to handle the citrus and vegetable crops in the valley, the local supply of labor being ample for this purpose. Most of the local labor is Mexican and the labor contractors favor Mexican labor over white labor, partly because the Mexican will work much cheaper than whites. One white woman who was a permanent resident said that the white people who lived in the valley had no trouble with the Mexicans. The Mexicans were good neighbors, she said, always willing to share what they had. She said the white migrants who came into the valley and resented and misunderstood the Mexicans caused the trouble between the two races. Some towns in this section permit camping only in trailers. The charge for camping in tents is about fifty cents per week, including water, which in some cases must be carried four city blocks. Privies are tin, very bad condition. Garbage is collected only once a week, with large dumps of decaying fruits and vegetables scattered among the camps. Some of the white migrants in this camp were very suspicious of governmental activity, due to the use by south Texas newspapers of the term 'concentration camps' referring to Farm Security Administration camps.
Ein erbärmliches Leben ... ich habe mir gerade überlegt, welche Auswege es aus dieser verfahrenen Situation überhaupt gegeben haben kann. Dadurch, dass Du die Bilder wieder so gelungen koloriert hast, schneiden sie noch mehr ins Herz und in die Seele.
Ein erbärmliches Leben ... ich habe mir gerade überlegt, welche Auswege es aus dieser verfahrenen Situation überhaupt gegeben haben kann. Dadurch, dass Du die Bilder wieder so gelungen koloriert hast, schneiden sie noch mehr ins Herz und in die Seele.
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